A Micro-Soft Joke

This post is going to be a retelling of a joke I read in an interview prep book called "Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?". The joke goes like this...

A pilot was flying around when a technical problem disabled all of the helicopter's electronic navigation and communications equipment. The weather and fog were so bad that the helicopter pilot could not tell where he was. Looking around, the pilot was able to see a tall building and he flew towards it, circled around, and held up a sign that said "Where am I?" in large bold letters.

People in the tall building quickly responded by drawing their own sign: "You are in a helicopter".

The pilot smiled, thanked them with a gesture, looked at his map and determined the route back to the airport and landed safely.

After landing the passengers asked the pilot how could he know where to go?

The pilot said: "I knew that building had to be the Micro-soft headquarters, because they gave me technically correct but completely useless answer."
